By ayoti

Best New Year Resolution you can set

Best New Year Resolution you can set

Every year, millions of people set New Year Resolutions in the hope of making a positive change right from the first day of the New Year. Every year, one of the constant themes includes losing weight, exercising more, becoming more organized, learning a new skill, etc.

Putting the Resolution into action

Even with the best intentions, once the New Year’s spirit has faded, people find it difficult to stick to their resolutions. According to a study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology, only 46% of people who made New Year’s Resolutions followed through and were successful. This means that more than half of the people who set the goal failed to keep up with their Resolution.

It also included non-resolvers who didn’t make a New Year’s Resolution but had a goal in mind that they intended to accomplish. Only 4% of non-resolvers succeeded in attaining their goals which is a desolate result compared to those who made a New Year’s Resolution.

We don’t want to be the one who fails in achieving their goals and dreams for 2022. So this 2022, why not try creating resolutions of a different kind? Whether you pick one or all of the following, you will certainly be better off for it.

After the COVID outbreak and now it’s variant Omicron, it looks like the pandemic is here to stay for a long time. This means we need to adopt certain changes in our personal and professional lives.

Resolutions that you can choose this New Year 2022

1. Health First

Prioritize your health first…!!! The COVID-19 Pandemic has compelled everyone to stay home, particularly working-class people who cannot leave their homes. As a result, everyone has become negligent, ignoring the need to keep fit and exercise. So, whenever you can go out and choose between taking the stairs and taking the lift, pick the stairs. Also, keep your meal high in fibre, protein, vitamins, and other nutrients to aid digestion.

2. Skip hogging the electronic gadgets for a day

Try controlling the urge to check Instagram or FB notifications or even your mail. Nobody’s going to die. It can wait until tomorrow.

3. Read a book in a month

We presume you know that reading is good for your brain. It reduces stress and can increase your memory and concentration levels. Set a goal to complete a book in a month.

4. Get rid of unwanted clutter

Clutter can mess up your brain and health. Research says that clutter can stress you out. Make it a New Year resolution to get rid of unwanted clutter, organize, and clean.

5. Be grateful

Gratitude is one of the best ways to count your blessings. Every night make sure to be grateful for all the good things in your life.

6. Stay dehydrated

Often, we forget to drink water and stay hydrated in our busy lives. 75% of our body is water, and water deficiency can mess up your body system. Drink up…!!!

7. Be kind to yourself

Don’t be so hard on yourself. It’s okay to feel bad, and it’s okay to cry. We are nice to others but forget to be nice to ourselves. As the wise say, “Be careful what you say to yourself, the warrior inside listens…!!!.” This year, love yourself and say nice things about yourself.

8. Talk less, listen more

Good things happen when you listen more and talk less. So make sure to spend more time listening to people.

9. Hit the sack early

Go to bed early. Make sure to follow 6-8 hours of sleep. Disturbance in sleep patterns can cause many stress-related problems. The right amount of sleep will alleviate physical problems and improve mental health.

10. Save more, spend less

It has become important to save more and spend less in today’s challenging times. Make sure to cut down on unwanted expenses. Start a savings plan. Consult family members or close friends who can get you to save more.

11. Set goals, not resolutions

Research says that many resolutions fail within a month because people cannot keep up with the pressure. Avoid this trap by setting proper goals that are logical, specific and time-bound.

How to follow the goals (resolutions)?

  • Set small, achievable goals which will motivate you to do more.
  • Make it measurable.
  • Create a proper plan.
  • Stay positive, and don’t give up.
  • Limit your resolutions by focusing on one goal at a time.

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