By Gargi Gill

How can a woman take out guilt free me time?

Women are always occupied with work, whether they are housewives or manage workplace and home both. If they have children the chores of work elevates even more. If their children are infants or toddlers they have to constantly watch after them. For those children who start going to school the job is doubled. Moms have to wake them up, make them ready, prepare meals for them for lunch-box, send them away to schools and bringing them back. Then comes cooking again. Other priorities don’t lessen like cleaning utensils, washing and ironing clothes, dusting, making children complete their homework, etc. Working women do every task done by housewife and additionally they have have to work in the office as well. They therefore plan their day accordingly.

Women's Me time - The best women's rejuvenation time

Being busy whole day makes every woman extremely exhausted and due to that they are not able to take out guilt free me time, i.e. even if they eagerly want to maintain their hair or skin, or involve in other hobbies like reading magazines, listening to music, joining sports, etc. they simply don’t get any time at the end of the day. If I talk about the weekends they still get busy with that type of work that wasn’t done in the weekdays. They are required to make a specific routine of me-time as well. Here I list how one can do so well.

1. Pamper Yourself: Give yourself at least once in a week’s time to do something that interests you. Be it a hobby like reading magazines, or scrubbing your face, or listening to music. Initially it might seem like you are actually too tired to do that but it simply requires 10 to 15 minutes. Once you make a habit of doing so it will eventually help you having a peaceful mind. This can be best done when every member of your family goes to sleep in the night.

Women - Discover yourself

2. Spend some more shower time: Due to getting late, every woman takes bath within just 15 minutes which is just part of their regular routine. One may indulge in that well once in a while by using aromatic products. If you like listening to music you may do that too. This is extremely relaxing. If you think morning won’t be suitable to you, you may do that in the evening after getting all the priorities done. Taking bath twice a day at times is way too relaxing.

3. Make your traveling time interesting: Utilize your commute through anything you like, for instance listening to radio jockey, music, etc. Everyone knows that traveling isn’t fun due to heavy traffic and indulging in other activities will make that time interesting.

4. Be a multi-tasker: For instance, if you had a  meeting and that somehow gets canceled you may buy some grocery or household stuff that is necessary, this way you can utilize the time in an effective way and save time. You may also do that after the meeting gets completed. This will also save enormous amount of time. This will also save you a weekend that would lessen your tasks.

5. Plan a morning or evening walk: Starting the day with brisk walk is best for everyone. This rejuvenates the mind and makes a person stay focused whole day due to their active behavior. 15 to 20 minutes a day is sufficient for everyone. The evening walk also serves well. Just the thing is one must do that in not-so-quick mode if done after the meals. If you do not get the time for either of them then it is better if you walk during the free time in your office like right after your lunch or coffee break. Walk with your colleagues if you feel awkward in going entirely alone.

The Best Exercise for women - WALKING

6. Join some classes: It could be anything like swimming, badminton, basketball, or gym, aerobics, dancing, singing, anything you like. If going every single day isn’t possible then make a habit of going at least twice or thrice a week.

Most women either don’t go for guilt free me time due to either of the following reasons – either they don’t get the time or they feel selfish about themselves. Being selfish is entirely different thing. If a woman forgets her basic responsibilities like not sending the children to school or not preparing meals at all, then it would be considered as selfish and not when you take out guilt free me time despite of being too busy. I do not say that all household activities are confined to women only and they are the ones who must do that. I simply mean to explain that selfish is thinking about own and nothing else which is, of course, a different story.

The different roles of women

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