By Suhana Keeranthodika

How to restart career after a long break – overcoming the problems

Some women among us are lucky to have swept by companies when they wanted a career restart. But most of us have faced a dilemma of rejection especially if we are looking to enter a corporate company.

Traditionally, women have been the principal caregivers. But today the increased financial needs and the acknowledgement of women that they also can earn have changed the scenario. Male members of the family may not be used to the caretaking of home, children and elders. Without their support, women are trying to balance increased work responsibilities along with the increased household responsibilities. Some women are lucky to have partners who take equal responsibility of the home, family so that both can build a career peacefully. Such woman will not have a confusion whether to stop, continue or take a pause. But there are a lot of women who don’t get this kind of a support. This is when women complaint about patriarchy. Sometimes, it becomes compulsory for women to take a break when the reasons like marriage, childbirth, moving, illness, elderly care, etc. come.

Regardless of the systems and support, at some point women will have to take an off-ramping, for example childbirth. But the question is, what happens when she tries to hook her dream career back to position?

job after career gap

A woman is considered a capital loss for many corporate companies. Just like that if women stop doing the process of childbirth, love and care, how will the world continue to exist?

Women struggle to make a balance between home and work. When at home women think about the compromised dream and career, when at work she feels guilt and think about the children at home. This shouldn’t happen when you approach for a restart. Your mind should be clear of any confusion. Make reliable arrangements to care of your children, elders or home or whatever reason you took a break. Don’t feel guilty if you need to take a break. It’s not easy to carry a baby or run a household or raise a child or all together and work full-time.

Few problems faced by women who try to restart their career

  • May not be able to start over where they stopped. Some corporates consider restarting candidates as freshers regardless of their previous experience. In that case, they will be getting very less salary.

  • In the technical sector changes are continuous.Women who took break find it hard to get the lost track of technologies.

  • Lose confidence about self and to face the corporate world again. The break might put woman busy inside the household chores so that they feel like they are meant to be inside.

how to restart my career

Transform a Career Break to Potential Strength

If you decide to take a career break, there are a few things you can do while you’re away to keep yourself employable if you need to return.

  • Take the break then ask yourself what you want – Take the break as break itself. When you are done with the emergency intention of your break, get back to the track. Many women who took career break used to try other fields of some business and engage in leisure activities. Many of them become successful entrepreneurs some of them become a flop. Don’t lose your order and direction. Whatever you do, do with an insight in mind. This is the time you have to choose which field is enjoyable and apt for you to continue for a long term.

  • Know yourself and your skills – Know your talents, your passion and your acquired skills. Think about what you want to do for a long run and how your experience can be applied. These can help you decide whether you want to return to work, and in which sector.

  • Polish your skills – Once you assessed your talents and skills, be updated about the trends of the new technologies and scopeful skills you might be interested. Along with improving the skills you already know, learn new skills. Do authorized certificate courses if possible. Online courses are also a good idea for women who took the break to stay home. In this case, you will have an answer to your break when you write a new resume and face an interview.

  • Network of working friends – Know key people in your preferred industry and read about them. Follow them on Twitter and LinkedIn if you can. But don’t forget to keep personal contact. Then, when you meet, you’ll have some conversation starters. Don’t lose contact with other working friends and previous colleagues. Join relevant groups and see if there are any events you can attend.

  • Find methods to stay confident and positive – When you connect with working people you might feel like you are not doing anything or you are going behind. Never feel so. Because the break you took may be inevitable, it happens at different points to everyone. So, you don’t have to feel any guilt. You are doing it right and everything happens for a good reason. For people who have worked staying home full time will lead to stress and depression. Find favourite methods to stay confident.

  • Schedule your come-back and get ready for it – By scheduling you benefit few things, and you will be able to use the remaining time. You can rearrange your routine, finish and furnish your duties, attend interviews, and mentally prepare for a work life. Foremost, you can stay objective.

Let’s make corporates clear that women returning to work after a sabbatical are more dynamic, responsible and hard-working. Moreover, they are familiar with the same world. We should make sure that when we try for a second coming our skills and confidence is so appealing that no company can reject us for a professional reason!

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